A mutual exchange means you can swap your home with another Bromford customer or someone living in a property from a registered social landlord.
Find a home to swap to
Register online for free at homeswapper.co.uk or download the free app on Apple IOS or Android's Google Play.
The features of Homeswapper include:
- swipe through and manage your matches
- see more details about homes you might like, including features, location, property type, rent and additional notes from the current tenant
- have message chats with other swappers
- see who’s online and when they last contacted you
- see if someone’s a serious swapper by looking at their badges
- upload and manage photos of your home
- send prompts if someone doesn’t have a photo
- like and share homes
- see who’s liked your home
- receive push notifications when you have new matches and messages
When you have found a suitable swap, you need to contact us.
You cannot swap without our permission and we need to check out some things with you before we will give our consent.
Do you need support accessing Homeswapper?
If you need support accessing Homeswapper please contact your neighbourhood coach.
Already found a home to swap to?
If you have found someone to swap with, you will need to complete and return the following form:
Mutual exchange application form
Both households involved in a mutual exchange must complete and submit a separate application form.
Once you have completed and signed these forms, please send these to: Lettings Team, 1 Venture Court, Broadlands, Wolverhampton, WV10 6TB
Mutual Exchange Information
Eligibility for Swapping
Bromford customers and registered social landlord assured tenants have the legal or contractual right to carry out an exchange.
Confirm your eligibility by contacting your landlord. If you're a Bromford customer, please contact us for assistance.
Starter and Introductory Tenancies
Tenants with starter or introductory tenancies do not have the legal right to exchange.
Check your tenancy status by contacting us at Bromford.
Impact of Rent Arrears
Applications for exchange cannot be accepted if you have any rent arrears.
Visit our money advice page for support in managing your finances.
Finding a Swap Partner
You can find someone to swap with through various methods:
- Register for free on Homeswapper.
- Advertise in local newspapers.
- Place notices in shop windows.
Note for Affordable Rent Customers: Rent charges may change after an exchange due to property valuation, which could affect your swap partner's decision. We will inform you of any rent changes early in the application process.
Homeswapper Account Access
After registering with Homeswapper, we have two weeks to approve or decline your application. You'll receive an email notification.
If you don't sign into your account for three months, it will expire, and you'll need to re-register.
Obtaining Permission to Swap
Permission from your landlord is required before proceeding with an exchange. Your swap partner must also obtain permission from their landlord.
Important: Moving without permission can lead to eviction and loss of your home.
Exchange Timeline
We have 42 days from receiving both applications to make a decision on your exchange request.
If approved, safety checks will be arranged. The process typically takes 2-3 weeks but may take longer in some cases.
Urgent Moves and Permissions
Moving without prior permission is not allowed. Doing so can result in eviction for both parties involved.
Always wait for official approval before moving.
After Submitting Forms
Once we receive both sets of forms:
- We will email you to explain the procedure.
- A property inspection will be scheduled.
- You must repair any customer-caused damages identified during the inspection.
- We will contact your swap partner for a telephone interview.
- If your partner isn't a Bromford customer, they need to provide a reference from their landlord.
- A home visit with our neighbourhood coach will be arranged for your swap partner.
We will keep you updated on the next steps; there's no need to contact us for updates.
Repair Responsibilities
When you accept a property through exchange, you agree to its condition at the time of signing.
You are responsible for any customer-related repairs. We document the property's condition before you sign.
What Happens on Exchange Day
We will schedule a time for you to meet at the property with your swap partner and our neighbourhood coach to sign the necessary paperwork.
Gas and electric engineers will attend to perform safety checks.
Note: You must not move before the paperwork is signed on the day of the exchange.
Possible Reasons for Exchange Rejection
Your exchange request may be refused based on specific grounds outlined in housing legislation. Common reasons include:
- Unpaid rent or breach of tenancy obligations.
- A court order for possession against either party.
- The property is unsuitable for the proposed occupants.
- The property has been adapted for special needs, and the new occupant does not require these adaptations.
For a detailed list of grounds for refusal, please refer to the relevant housing acts or contact us for more information.
Appeal Process if Refused
If your exchange is refused, you have the right to appeal the decision.
Submit a written appeal to the lettings team leader, including any supporting information that may help your case.
You may also wish to discuss the matter with your neighbourhood coach. For contact details, please visit our contact us section.
Responsibility for Moving Costs
All costs associated with moving are your responsibility.
Carefully consider these expenses before seeking an exchange partner.
Accepting Financial Offers
Accepting or offering money to facilitate a mutual exchange is illegal.
Engaging in such activities can result in eviction for both parties involved.
Changing Your Mind
You can withdraw your exchange application at any time before signing the tenancy agreement for the mutual exchange.
Exchanging Multiple Times
Yes, you can request permission to exchange again, even if you have previously completed an exchange.
Property Inspection Duration
The mutual exchange property inspection will take up to two hours.
Importance of Viewing the Property
It's crucial to view the property you're considering for exchange.
Arrange a visit with your swap partner to ensure it meets your expectations, as it will be your future home.