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We are a housing association – one of the biggest in the country.

We have more than 47,000 homes spread across central and south west England. We believe in providing warm, safe and secure homes. But ultimately, we’re a people business. Not only do we care about the 110,000 people who live in our homes, we want them to thrive.

We believe that having a great place to call home is just the start and with the right relationships and someone who believes in your potential, almost anything is possible. Our customers are the people that live in our homes for rent and shared ownership. Our customers are also those who rent our garages and our commercial buildings and those buying one of our homes for outright sale. That’s why we will continue to make a difference by investing in relationships and in connecting people, so our customers get to where they want to be. Because when they succeed, we succeed and that success drives us to do even more.

That's why our purpose is simple and honest:  We invest in homes and relationships so people can thrive.

And the video below shows how we're already helping people thrive through our investment in homes and relationships.


But what makes us unique is:

  • we seek a relationship with each of our customers that builds mutual trust and respect and helps our customers achieve more for themselves, their families and their communities
  • our colleagues, the culture and DNA of our organisation are precious and vital to our success 
  • our scale enables us to do more and be transformative for customers and whole communities
  • we know we need to be financially strong to achieve any of these things. So we do not apologise for giving financial strength central importance. Nor do we apologise for recognising that we will achieve far more by working in partnership with others than we will on our own

The information below gives a snapshot of our organisation from over the past 12 months.

£290m annual turnover1,770 colleagues

46,437 homes owned and managed110,000+ customers

1,265 new homes completed

To find out more about where we've come from, the work we do with customers every day, and to see how we're getting on, take a look at one of the links below: