As we continue essential maintenance to our systems, our Customer Portal is unavailable from Monday 13 to Tuesday 21 January. You can continue to contact us through our usual channels.

We invest in homes and relationships so people can thrive.

Bromford is one of the largest housing associations in the UK, managing over 47,000 homes across central and south-west England. For more than 60 years, we have been providing affordable, safe, and secure homes for people who cannot access the housing market.

Our customers include those renting homes, garages, and commercial properties, as well as those in shared ownership or buying homes outright. We believe that having a great place to live is just the start. By building strong relationships and supporting our customers to achieve their goals, we help people thrive.

Looking to the future, we plan to build 11,000 new homes by 2030, continuing our commitment to enhancing the social and economic impact in the communities we serve. At Bromford, it's not just about homes; it’s about empowering people to succeed.

Number of homes


Customers are satisfied with the services we provide to them


Number of customers


Our strategy for 2023-2027

Read more about our objectives, our customers and how we measure our success against them in the our strategy.

a bromford colleague working in an office