All help and advice
Add someone to your tenancy
Adjust a UPVC door
Adjust a UPVC window latch
Advice if you have safeguarding or domestic abuse concerns
Affordable ways of borrowing cash
Align a kitchen cupboard door
Apply to rent a Bromford home
Ask us for permission to make a change in your home
Bleed a radiator
CCTV and doorbell cameras
Change a fuse in a plug
Changes to your charges - freehold customers
Changes to your charges - leasehold customers
Changes to your rent and other charges - rented customers
Changes to your rent and other charges - shared ownership customers
Clean a shower head
Clean a sink gully in your home
Difficulty paying your rent
Domestic abuse advice
Electric vehicle (EV) charging points
Employment and training support
End a garage rental agreement
Fix a kitchen drawer front
Get help with your debts
Get your boiler working
Guidance for equity loan customers
Guidance for freeholders