As we continue essential maintenance to our systems, our Customer Portal is unavailable from Monday 13 to Tuesday 21 January. You can continue to contact us through our usual channels.

Our joint responsibilites

If you purchased a freehold property, you will own your home and the land it is built on.

Bromford may own the estate areas, such as communal car parking or garden areas, which we have to maintain and for which service charges are due.

These are areas which will not be adopted by the local authority.

There may be an obligation within your freehold conveyance for you to contribute towards maintenance costs of these areas.

That same document may also set out certain conditions called Covenants. These may require you to ask our permission before carrying out works to your property, for example.

Our responsibilities:

  • Maintain and repair any unadopted communal or shared areas, roads or grounds
  • Collect the service charge payments from you and notify you of any changes
  • Permit rights of access over unadopted areas


We will consult you before undertaking any cyclical or planned works which you're required to contribute to under the terms of your transfer. These could include resurfacing an access road or a car park for example.

Administration charges

Administration fees are charged for a range of services provided to homeowners. These services are not included within the service charge. Payment of the fee is required in advance of the service being provided.

All fees include VAT and are reviewed on 1 April each year based on the actual cost of providing services.

Find out more about administrative charges.

These fees are for our administration services only. Additional fees may apply – e.g. valuation fees and/or our legal fees as well as your own legal fees.