As we continue essential maintenance to our systems, our Customer Portal is unavailable from Monday 13 to Tuesday 21 January. You can continue to contact us through our usual channels.
Your agreement with us
When you rent a home from us, you will be asked to sign an agreement.
This agreement is a legal contract that make it clear:
- what you are responsible for
- what we are responsible for
It also sets out the legal terms and conditions of your tenancy, such as:
- how much rent you need to pay and anything else that is included in your rent
- how and when we may decide to increase the rent
- how you and Bromford may end your tenancy
- what things you must ask our permission for
What types of agreement do we offer?
- most of our new customers are given this type of tenancy.
- starter tenancies are usually for 12 months but if you are not meeting the tenancy terms and conditions they can be ended after six months.
- towards the end of the starter tenancy, we will review if you have met the terms and conditions of your tenancy and decide whether to:
- offer you an assured tenancy
- extend the tenancy – this can be up to a maximum of 18 months.
- end the tenancy by giving you notice to leave.
- we no longer give anyone this type of tenancy
- if you already have a fixed term tenancy, it will set out how long the tenancy has been given for, usually this is for five years, but in some circumstances might be more or less than this.
- towards the end of the tenancy, we will review if you have met your terms and conditions of tenancy and decide whether to:
- offer you an assured tenancy or,
- end the tenancy by giving you notice to leave.
- most of our existing customers have this type of tenancy.
- some tenants will also have the Right to Acquire their home - please ask your neighbourhood coach for more information.
- customers who were previously secure tenants either with Cotswold or Lichfield District Councils may also have the Right to Buy .
- there is no set end date on this type of tenancy, they can only be ended if you breach the terms of your agreement, and we get a court order or if you give notice to us that you want to end your tenancy.
- if you previously had a secure tenancy with South Gloucestershire Council, Cotswold or Lichfield District Councils when the management was transferred to Bromford then you will have either an Enhanced Assured or Assured Protected Rights tenancy with us.
- these tenancies have all the same rights as an assured tenant above, but in addition you will usually also have the Right to Buy your home, if the home you live in qualifies.
- there is no set end date. They can only be ended if you breach the terms of your agreement, and we get a court order or if you give notice to us that you want to end your tenancy.
- we no longer give this type of tenancy.
- if your original tenancy began before January 1989 or you have exchanged with someone with a secure tenancy, then you are likely to have a secure tenancy.
- as a secure tenant you usually have the Right to Buy your home, if the home you live in qualifies.
- there is no set end date. They can only be ended if you breach the terms of your agreement, and we get a court order or if you give notice to us that you want to end your tenancy.
- if the home you live in shares facilities such as a kitchen, or is short stay, such as a hostel you will have a licence to say in the property
As part of most tenancy agreements
You must:
- pay your rent in full and on time.
- be a considerate neighbour, ensuring that everyone who lives with or visits you does not cause a nuisance or annoy others.
- not use your home for any illegal or immoral purpose.
- ask permission to run a business from your home.
- live in your home - you cannot move out and allow someone else to move in.
- give us notice when you intend to move out.
- make sure that you do not exceed the permitted number of occupants as specified in your tenancy agreement. If you think that you need a larger home because your circumstances have changed, please tell us and we will let you know how to apply for a larger home.
You need to take care of your home and we expect that you will:
- not cause any damage.
- take out home contents insurance or provide proof of alternative insurance cover.
- keep us up to date with who is living in your home.
- keep your home and garden clean, tidy and free from rubbish in at least the condition they were when you moved in.
- keep your home in good repair - this means letting us know quickly if we need to do any repairs and doing the repairs you are responsible for.
- allow us access to inspect or carry out repairs we are responsible for.
- report damage that you, those that live with you or your visitors have caused.
- if you have gas appliances you need to give access as required for them to be serviced.
- not leave caravans, trailers, boats or other large items or untaxed vehicles on your drive or any shared area.
- return our calls when we need to speak to you and meet with us to review your tenancy.
If you breach your agreement we will inform you and take appropriate action. If it is serious, we will take legal action.
Our responsibilities
As your landlord we will:
- take account of your views
- carry out the repairs we are responsible for
- allow you to carry out your own improvements and alterations - but you need our permission first
- allow you to take in lodgers - you do need our permission first and it must not cause overcrowding
- allow you to exchange with another social landlord or council tenant - providing you have our permission first and that each landlord is in agreement
- give you information about the services we provide and how we perform
- consult you about any changes to your service.
Get a copy of your agreement
You can view a copy of your tenancy agreement in your online account, or you can contact your neighbourhood coach for a copy.