Kerry from Walsall has rebuilt her life and is now able to live independently thanks to personalised support provided by Bromford’s MyPlace. 

After being discharged from hospital, Kerry moved into MyPlace at Saxon Court, where she was supported by both Bromford and Inmind the on-site care provider to develop the skills she needed to live independently. Over time, Kerry’s confidence grew, and she was able to take positive steps to lead a more fulfilling life.  

“Moving to MyPlace gave me the chance to work on myself and helped me rebuild my confidence. The team was always there for me and helped me through some tough times,” explained Kerry. 

Life at MyPlace provided Kerry with personalised support to manage her mental health as well as practical help with tasks like managing medication and maintaining her flat. She also formed strong relationships with other residents, becoming an active part of the MyPlace community.

MyPlace customer, Kerry stood outside MyPlace, Saxon Court

A key milestone for Kerry has been finding a volunteering role at a local charity shop. She found the role on her own and was provided support from the MyPlace team with applications and encouragement to keep going.

“Volunteering gave me a purpose and a reason to get up every day. It feels really good to give back, and the MyPlace team always supported me to stay motivated,” says, Kerry. 

After six years at Saxon Court, Kerry felt ready for to move into general needs housing. The MyPlace team worked closely with Kerry to prepare for the move. From sourcing essential items, to developing the skills she would need to live independently. The team also provided emotional support, reminding Kerry of her progress and capabilities. 

MyPlace customer Kerry Gough

“I was so nervous about moving, but the team helped me every step of the way. I didn’t think I’d ever have my own home again. But with the support of MyPlace, I’ve been able to move forward, and I feel proud of how far I’ve come.”

Kerry Gough Myplace Saxon Court 1

Kerry’s journey demonstrates how the right support can make a real difference and help to build lasting independence. Life at MyPlace scheme is about more than just a home - it's about raising the aspirations of our customers so they can lead more fulfilling lives. 

Learn more about the support on offer with MyPlace