The boards of Bromford and Flagship have decided to take the next steps towards a formal merger on Friday 28 February 2025. The decision by both boards was supported by an in-depth due diligence process, customer consultation and a strong business case. 
Over 900 Bromford customers responded to the consultation the feedback has been invaluable throughout this process. We have listened carefully to your feedback and priorities and incorporated many of them into our business plan to ensure we meet your expectations as we move forward. Bromford customers see repairs as a key priority for the merged organisation as well as improvements to their homes. More detail is shared below.

The new merged organisation will not affect any customer’s right to live in their home. There will be no changes to existing tenancy or lease agreements as a result of the merger. Customers will continue to access the services they need by contacting us in the same way and dealing with the same teams they do now.

Which of the above matters most to you?

Area of investment

Total count

Maintaining and repairing your homes


Investing more in kitchen, bathroom and window replacements


Building more homes to help people who don't currently have access to a safe and warm home


Making homes more energy efficient


Regenerating existing homes and places


Improving our digital and online platforms for customers


Which of the above matters most to you?

Total count


Total count


Total count


Total count


Total count


Total count


Sentiment categories

31% of responses were positive


33% of response were neutral


36% of responses were negative


How do you feel about the proposed merger?

Very positive - 59


Quite positive - 100


Neutral - 172


Quite concerned - 96


Very concerned - 88


Broader themes of feedback

Feedback theme

Positive overview

Concern overview 

Repairs and maintenance

(+) Opportunity to improve the provision of repairs and maintenance activity.

Repairs and maintenance need to be faster, better quality/ right first time with better supporting communication.

Communicating with customers 

(+) Opportunity to improve communications with customers when using services and providing more accurate information. 

(-) A focus on improved communications with customers in every aspect- from service provisions, call answer times, listening to customer feedback and acting on it. Customers highlighted the need to make it easier to speak to someone to resolve issues. 

Acting on feedback 

(+) Opportunity to engage customers to improve customer service provisions. 

Listening to and acting on customer feedback. Customers would like more involvement in decisions that impact them.

Rent increases/ affordability 

(+) Does a larger organisation offer economies of scale and a cost reduction in rent?

(-) Concerns that rents will increase and no longer be affordable (given the backdrop of cost-of-living challenges).

Size and local feel 

(+) Opportunity to build more homes where they are needed  

(-) ‘bigger is not always better’- concerns around the impact of customers not being supported by the same colleagues they are today, losing the local feeling. 

Investing more in homes 

(+) Opportunity to invest more in existing homes as well as improving energy efficiency. 

(-) Concerns that investment will decrease and no clarity on how allocations will be made. 

Broader themes of feedback

Positive overview

(+) Opportunity to improve the provision of repairs and maintenance activity.

Concern overview 

Repairs and maintenance need to be faster, better quality/ right first time with better supporting communication.

Positive overview

(+) Opportunity to improve communications with customers when using services and providing more accurate information. 

Concern overview 

(-) A focus on improved communications with customers in every aspect- from service provisions, call answer times, listening to customer feedback and acting on it. Customers highlighted the need to make it easier to speak to someone to resolve issues. 

Positive overview

(+) Opportunity to engage customers to improve customer service provisions. 

Concern overview 

Listening to and acting on customer feedback. Customers would like more involvement in decisions that impact them.

Positive overview

(+) Does a larger organisation offer economies of scale and a cost reduction in rent?

Concern overview 

(-) Concerns that rents will increase and no longer be affordable (given the backdrop of cost-of-living challenges).

Positive overview

(+) Opportunity to build more homes where they are needed  

Concern overview 

(-) ‘bigger is not always better’- concerns around the impact of customers not being supported by the same colleagues they are today, losing the local feeling. 

Positive overview

(+) Opportunity to invest more in existing homes as well as improving energy efficiency. 

Concern overview 

(-) Concerns that investment will decrease and no clarity on how allocations will be made.