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Occasionally, the behaviour or actions of individuals using our services, becomes unacceptable. When this happens, we consider the impact of the behaviour on our ability to do our jobs. We will take action to protect the health and wellbeing of our colleagues and contractors, who have a right to work without fear of being abused or harassed.

This summary explains how we deal with these situations, and it applies to all methods of contact including face to face, telephone, letters, emails, social media and other digital channels.

Reasonable adjustments

We care about the people who live in our homes and are committed to providing safe, secure and warm homes. We treat people how we wish to be treated, with fairness and respect. The Bromford DNA is at the heart of who we are, what we do and why we do it. That’s why our purpose is simple and honest. We invest in homes and relationships so people can thrive.

Our colleagues will:

  • be fair, respectful and inclusive in all interactions with customers
  • recognise the differing needs of customers, without judgement
  • make it easy to communicate with us and adapt our services as required
  • treat customers as we they would wish to be treated themselves
  • listen, respond and do what they say they will
  • live our DNA; build trusting relationships based on openness, respect and integrity'

We understand that people may find it difficult to communicate clearly or express themselves, especially under upsetting or distressing circumstances. We will always try to be flexible in the way we deliver our service and can make reasonable adjustments if a request is made. Examples of adjustments we can consider are:

  • provision of or giving permission for aids and adaptations to be made to a home.
  • allowing customers additional time or extending prescribed timescales in our processes.
  • consider using different methods of communication
  • conducting visits with a third party, eg a support worker present


Behaviour Bromford considers to be unacceptable:

Aggressive or abusive behaviour

This is behaviour that could cause our colleagues or contractors to feel abused, threatened or afraid.

For example:

  • violence and threats of violence
  • language or behaviour which is offensive, derogatory, intimidating or patronising
  • language or behaviour which is discriminatory in any way e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic
  • derogatory comments relating to disability, gender, religion or any other protected characteristic
  • unfounded allegations against colleagues conducts which is criminal, corrupt or perverse.

Unreasonable demands

A demand becomes unacceptable when it starts to take up disproportionate amounts of time and resources and therefore disadvantages other customers.

For example:

  • demanding responses within unreasonable timescales
  • insisting on seeing or speaking to a particular colleague, continual phone calls, e- mails, letters or contact via Whatsapp, text messages, voice notes, social media and other digital channels.
  • repeatedly changing the substance of the complaint or raising unrelated concerns.
  • requesting a change in neighbourhood coach for the patch area for no reasonable reason.
  • unreasonable persistence, for example persistent refusal to accept a decision made in relation to a complaint, persistent refusals to accept explanations relating to what we can or cannot do and continuing to pursue a case without presenting any new information.


For example:

  • recording conversations or interactions without consent and then publishing that content
  • contacting colleagues using their personal details outside of work, including on social media and face-to-face
  • publishing personal, sensitive or private information about colleagues online or other public domains, including noticeboards


Actions we may take:

When we experience behaviour or demands which are unacceptable, we may consider taking formal action. These actions may include the following:

For example:

  • asking for the behaviour to be modified and provide a warning
  • restricting access to our services, colleagues, or processes
  • removing ourselves from a situation or terminating a phone call
  • adding a customer alert flag to the customer’s account
  • opening a tenancy breach case which may result in non-legal or legal interventions being taken, eg acceptable behaviour contract, injunction
  • notifying other authorities such as the police or local authority safeguarding team

Customer portal Competition terms and conditions 

Terms and conditions for our prize draw on registering for the customer portal: 

  1. By entering the prize draw you are agreeing to these prize draw terms and conditions. 
  2. The prize draw is being run by Bromford Housing Association Ltd.

Eligibility to enter 

  1. The prize draw is open to customers of Bromford Housing Association Ltd only. 
  2. In entering the prize draw, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim any prize you may win. 
  3. A maximum of one entry per individual is permitted.  
  4. The prize draw is free to enter. 

How to enter 

  1. Customers must have a live account on our customer portal to be eligible for the prize draw in order for Bromford Housing Association Ltd. To enter the customer have set up their account by 31 December 2023. Entries after that time and date will not be included in the draw. 
  2. Bromford Housing Association Ltd will not accept responsibility if contact details provided are incomplete or inaccurate. 

The prize 

  1. A prize draw to win one of five £100 Love2Shop gift voucher, awarded after the draw closes on 31 December 2023. Winners will be drawn at random. 
  2. Bromford Housing Association Ltd’s use of particular brands as prizes does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement of such brands. 
  3. The winners will be drawn at random.  
  4. The prize is non-exchangeable, non-transferable and no cash alternatives will be offered. No change given. Promotion subject to availability. 
  5. We reserve the right to substitute prizes with another prize of equal or higher value if circumstances beyond our control make it necessary to do so. 
  6. The decision of Bromford Housing Association Ltd regarding any aspect of the prize draw is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into about it. 
  7. Bromford Housing Association Ltd reserves the right to amend, alter or terminate the promotion at any time due to circumstances beyond its control. Anyone found abusing or breaching the spirit of this promotion will be prevented from participating in any further promotional activity. 

Winner announcement 

  1. The winners will be notified at after the prize draw has been completed after 31 December 2023. 
  2. Bromford Housing Association Ltd will attempt to contact the winners by email up to two times.   
  3. If the winners do not respond to the emails notifying them of their win within 14 days of the second email, they will lose their right to the prize, and Bromford Housing Association Ltd reserves the right to choose and notify a new winner. 

Receipt of the prize 

  1. Please allow 14 days for delivery of the prize or alternative collection or delivery arrangements may be made through mutual agreement. Data protection and publicity 
  2. You consent to any personal information you provide in entering the prize draw being used by Bromford Housing Association Ltd for the purposes of administering the prize draw, and for those purposes as defined within our privacy notice. 
  3. All entrants may apply for details of the winning participant by contacting us at communications.team@bromford.co.uk 
  4. All personal information shall be used in accordance with Bromford Housing Association Ltd’s Privacy Notice. Limitation of Liability 
  5. Bromford Housing Association Ltd does not accept any liability for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any entrants as a result of either participating in the prize draw or being selected for a prize. 
  6. Bromford Housing Association Ltd does not provide any form of practical or IT support for this prize.  On receipt, all responsibilities relating to the voucher are that of the prize winner. General 
  7. Bromford Housing Association Ltd reserves the right to cancel the prize draw or amend these terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice. Promoter: Bromford Housing Association Ltd. Financial Conduct Authority Registered Society No: 29996R Regulator of Social Housing Number L4449 

The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is an exercise that matches electronic data within and between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud. It is essential that Bromford have adequate controls in place to prevent and detect customer fraud and error. The NFI exercise allows potential fraudulent customer applications and those customers who may be committing social housing fraud to be identified.

For more information about how we process your data please read our privacy policy.

The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only.

The information is curated by us from various sources, including public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.

We endeavour to keep any information up to date and correct, but we can't guarantee its accuracy.

In no event will we be liable for any loss in connection with the use of this website.

Publishing links to an external website does not imply a recommendation of that site.